Codes & Standards
Changes in Legislation
In Western Australia amendments to the Building Codes of Australia and Australian/ New Zealand Standards are subject to State Parliamentary process. A direct link to the State Law Publisher has been incorporated onto the Links Page of this website.All members are encouraged up to date themselves with current Legislation and regulations via the Sate Law Publisher link.
Building Codes
The Building Code of Australia is administered by the Australian Building Codes Board. A direct link to the ABCB website has been incorporated onto the Links Page of this website. All members are encouraged to register with the ABCB in order to ensure they are kept up to date with current Building Code requirements.
Australian Standards
The WA Chapter through the representation on several major committees dealing specifically with Hydraulic Services design.The committees and Standards in which National Chapter participate are as follows:
For more information on Australian Standards, please visit
FP-004-03 - AS 2118.6 - Combined Sprinkler and Fire Hydrant Systems
FP-9 - AS 2419.1- 2005 Fire Hydrant Installations
FP-7 - AS 2441– Installation of Hose Reels
FP-7 AS 1221 – Hose Reels
FP-008 - AS 2941 - Fixed fire protection installations – Pumpset systems
WS14-01 – AS 3500.1 - Water Supply
WS14-02 – AS 3500.2 - Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage
WS14-03 – AS 3500.3 - Stormwater
WS14-04 – AS 3500.4 - Heated Water
WS14-05 – AS 3500.5 - Domestic
This representation and the continuous exchange for information during the draft stage of amending these Standards, ensures members are aware of issues and changes that will impact on Hydraulic Services Design before they are adopted.