Over the last few years the development of a National Approved Diploma Level qualification has been the foremost aim of many Industry organizations. The AHSCA has been involved with the development of a Diploma level qualification with Queensland Department of Education and Training. Shortly a National Accredited Course for Consultants will be made available.
The new course will allow students to proceed through a streamed course of studies with the outcome being a Diploma level qualification. Many streams of studies are proposed for the National Diploma and members are encouraged to undertake additional studies in other streams to gain a diverse knowledge of the various design aspects of Hydraulic services design. Further information will be posted once the details are made available.
In addition to the Diploma level qualification, a School of Water has been proposed for the specific purpose of developing degree level qualifications for the Hydraulic Services profession.
Although still in the initial stages of development, the response to the proposal has been encouraging. Further information will be posted once the details are made available..
CPC40911 Certificate IV in Plumbing Services (Hydraulic Services Design)
CPC40911 Certificate IV in Plumbing Services (Operations)
CPC50611 Diploma of Hydraulic Service Design
AHSCA Engineering Scholarship Details