Supporting the AHSCA WA
HSCA WA Donations
The W.A. Chapter is a non profit professional organisation and relies on its membership for financial support.Members are requested to assist the Chapter in many different ways. The main form of support would be for members to assist the Executive Committee by donating time and resources to the Chapter.
Past assistance provided by members include to the use of board rooms for the Monthly Executive Meetings, preparing technical papers and articles for publication, undertaking various duties such as organising functions and seminars and providing financial assistance.
One of main objectives of the State Chapter is to encourage and promote the field Hydraulic Services Design. To this end it is proposed, in conjunction with the National Association, that the development of an Award for excellence in Design may be established.
In addition, it is hoped that through its ties with the Industry, the State Chapter will be able to reward Students wishing to develop their skills into the engineering stream by Student membership to the Chapter. This will provide students in the Industry the opportunity to have a greater awareness of the role Hydraulic Services Consultants fulfill within the Construction Industry.
AHSCA WA Sponsorship
Functions are evenings which Affiliate members sponsor and organize to promote their products or services. Seminars are functions that are sponsored by the Affiliates that are based upon a technical nature. Seminars are usually run by the Chapter in association with Statutory Authorities, professional organizations. Seminars can also be sponsored by Affiliate Members but will be subject to greater limitations in relation to product promotion.
Functions and Seminars attract CPD points for Full Members. All Functions and Seminars must be submitted to and approved by the CPD Co-orindator for CPD Points allocation.Refer to the Publications Download page for Sponsorship Form.